Saturday, May 12, 2012

Catching Up

So, I was under the weather a major way. So, no I didn't post a Friday Sneak Peek of my work. My apologies. It's been a very busy week as I finished a novella for my All the King's Men series, ramp up for the release of Heart of the Warrior in only - ACK! - thirteen days (and I still have so much to do), and continue preparing blog posts for my blog tour, which is taking place right now. To that end, a sexy interview with Micah took place on Pimpin' Reads yesterday, so fans of Micah (tragic main character from Rise of the Fallen) should check it out:

Interview with a Vampire - Ha ha (Sorry Ann Rice)

And today Page Flipperz posted a lovely review of the book, as well:

Page Flipperz Review

A giveaway of the book is available on both blogs, so if you haven't yet picked up your copy of Rise of the Fallen, now is your chance to try to win one for free.

Stay tuned for more!

Happy reading and writing, everybody.

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